Services & Pricing

1) I am offering special Himalayan Bowls Sounds healing, and different meditation courses; full moon and New moon ceremony for every single Month with the monasteries music for the Meditation.

Himalayan Singing Bowl Ceremonies: Monthly full moon and new moon meditation and healing ceremonies; sound vibrations and monastic music invoke relaxation, meditation, and healing.

2) Introduce the Ancient hand made Tibetan traditions bowls with seven different metals, and describe how it works on the session about linking up with seven different tones, Healing for the seven different consciousness.

Introduction to Tibetan Singing Bowls: The ancient hand-made traditional Tibetan singing bowls; seven different metals are linked to seven different tones and healing for the seven levels of consciousness.

3)Guidelines for union Mudra with the chant sutras for purification and healing to the physical organs between mental health, and Bowl Sounds therapy.

Chant Sutras for Purification and Healing: Guidelines for the union Mudra and chant sutras to purify and heal physical organs and promote mental health, including singing bowl therapy.

4)Introduce Art of the Sand mandala and painting Art work Mandala which are much important linked in to the universal elements between the human bodies and channels of our self body mandala.

Introduction to Sand and Paint Mandala Art: In Vajrayana Buddhism mandala sandpainting represents the spiritual journey, linking the universal elements through many layers to the core of the human body and our self body mandala.

5)Dedication practice with deep meditation exercises for empowering and self healing yoga. Drawing the Art skills to get emptiness and more compassion.

Meditation Exercises: Dedicated practice with deep meditation empowering exercises, self-healing yoga, and art skills to achieve emptiness and compassion.

6)We represent for the seven different jewels colours and energetic for the development of the seven chakra consciousness and exercise to drawing the lotus petals of the chakras and channels.

The Seven Chakras: An exercise towards development of the seven chakras of consciousness represented by seven jewel colours and energies; channelled through lotus petal chakra drawing.

7)We organize and information for spiritual support Communication way to our Dharmas and karma for friends with family. well being, and initiation finale living with the longer enjoyment of the environment.

Dharma and Karma for Friends and Family: We organize and provide information for spiritual support to communicate well being, fine living and environmental enjoyment for friends and family.

8) Life Transition Ceremony:

Birth and Naming Ceremony for health of mother, father and new born. Families invite Buddhist monk after a child’s birth. The monk then recites verses from the holy books of Buddhism. The family decides on a name beginning with initials recommended by Dam Chhoi. As he announces the name, he blesses & give prayers for the long life, health and well-being of the baby.

Home Warming Ceremony for family and individuals to cleanse the space spiritually, especially, before moving in to a new home. The home must be blessed, and yes it is a big deal. A flawless ceremony ensures that life in the new house starts off on the right track.

Energy Purification Puja of Tara and Mahakala. Blessings are particularly well-known for quelling obstacles and difficulties. Chanting this mantra removes all obstacles in wealth flows, destroys confusion, doubts, and ignorance in life stages when you are particularly not sure about decisions.

Funeral Ceremony(Buddhist). Within Buddhist traditions, it is a traditional funeral custom for the family to witness the cremation. The ceremony serves as a reminder of the Buddha’s teaching on impermanence and provides an opportunity to assist loved ones into the afterlife as they travel on to their new existence.